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December 08, 2004
Remains returned by N.Korea not Yokota's
Washington Times (UPI)
Guardian Unlimited (AP)("N. Korea Remains Are Not of Japan Citizen")
Mainichi Interactive ("Remains received from N. Korea not those of Megumi Yokota")
The Japan Times Online ("Remains not those of Yokota -- DNA test shows ashes of two others; aid now in doubt)
asahi.com : English ("North Korea caught in lie on Megumi remains")
Daily Yomiuri On-Line ("DNA tests provided vital info")
Daily Yomiuri On-Line ("Yokotas call for economic sanctions")
BBC NEWS ("Japan fury over abductee remains")
Reuters ("Japan protests to N.Korea over fake evidence")
VOA News ("Mystery Still Surrounds Remains Given to Japan by N. Korea")
MSNBC (AP) ("Japan protests N. Korean lie about abductee -- Pyongyang claimed remains were Japanese kidnapping victim's)
People's Daily Online ("Japan protests to DPRK over fake evidence")
asahi.com : English ("Parents of Megumi Yokota vent anger at `evil' Pyongyang")
The Scotsman ("Fury in Japan as ashes found not to be remains of kidnapped girl")
Posted by THINK at December 8, 2004 02:46 AM
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