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June 25, 2005

Relatives of Japanese Abductees Begin Sit-In

VOA News
Yahoo! News (AP) ("Families of Japanese abductees start sit-in protest, demanding sanctions on North Korea")
BBC NEWS ("N Korea kidnap families protest")
Yahoo! News (Kyodo) ("Abductee families stage sit-in outside Koizumi's official residence")
World Peace Herald (UPI) ("Protesters urge sanctions against N.Korea")
Mainichi Daily News ("Abductees' families demand sanctions against Pyongyang")
Daily Yomiuri On-Line ("Sit-in begins over inaction on abductees")
The Japan Times Online (AP/Kyodo) ("Pyongyang abductee kin stage sit-in for sanctions")

Dr. Norbert Vollertsen, German doctor and activist who has personally witnessed reality in North Korea, and twin brothers of abductee Megumi Yokota in sit-in.

Supporters from across Japan in the sit-in line. More than 300 gathered on the first day.

(Photographs courtesy of Mr. Yamamoto of Denno-Hokanroku website)

Posted by THINK at June 25, 2005 12:50 AM