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November 03, 2004

US soldier gets dishonorable discharge, 30 days for desertion

Channelnewsasia.com (AFP)
Bloomberg.com ("U.S. Army's Jenkins Pleads Guilty to Desertion, AFP Reports")
Reuters.com ("U.S. Deserter Jenkins Gets Dishonorable Discharge")
Xinhuanet - English ("US soldier sentenced to 30-day confinement, dishonorable discharge")
Guardian Unlimited (AP) ("Jenkins Gets 30 Days in Desertion Case")
Mainichi Interactive ("Jenkins sentenced to 30 days in prison, dishonorable discharge")
Crosswalk.com (CNS) ("GI Pleads Guilty to Deserting to North Korea")
The New York Times ("G.I., 64, Pleads Guilty to Desertion From Duty in Korea in '65")
eTaiwanNews.com ("Jenkins admits guilt in Japan--Deserter gives tearful testimony as prosecution describes act as 'despicable'")
asahi.com : English ("Jenkins guilty of desertion")
Washington Post ("U.S. Deserter Took Plea Bargain -- Leniency for Soldier Who Fled to N. Korea Appeases Japan")

Posted by THINK at November 3, 2004 06:40 PM

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