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December 25, 2004

Japan threatens retaliation against North Korea in kidnap row

Channelnewsasia.com (AFP)
VOA News ("Japan Warns North Korea on Abduction Issue")
Reuters ("Japan demands 'sincere' N.Korea reply on abductees")
Radio Australia ("Japan warns action against North Korea over kidnap victims")
Bloomberg.com("Japan to Respond 'Severely' to N. Korea on Abductees")
BBC NEWS ("Japan-N Korea kidnap row hots up")
International Herald Tribune (Reuters/AFP) ("Japan warns North Korea of backlash on captives")
Japan Today ("Japan increases pressure on Kim over abductions, hints at sanctions")
Daily Yomiuri On-Line ("'Sincere response' from N. Korea unlikely / Government steps up pressure on Pyongyang as evidence fails to convince")

Posted by THINK at December 25, 2004 07:34 AM

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